Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 5

Vasha is now 9 years of age. Her mother, with the assistance of a local child psychiatrist, placed her on medications two years ago. 

* What medications was Vasha likely prescribed given her diagnosis of ADHD? Have the medications you indicate been approved by the FDA for use in children?
* Write a narrative “interview” in which you communicate with Vasha in an effort to get to know her.
* Write a narrative “interview” in which you talk with Vasha’s mother about her.
* Who is Vasha? What kind of child is she? What might someone expect upon meeting her for the first time? Base Vasha’s imagined personality on what you know about she and her family so far.


  1. 1. Vasha would most likely be prescribed a stimulant drug such as methylphenidate (brand names: Concerta, Ritalin) and combinations of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine (brand name: Adderall). The following medications have not been approved by the FDA, they are anti-psychotics and despite decades of their use, concerns still linger about the long term effects.

  2. 2. Group 3: How do you like school and who are your friends?
    Vasha: I used to love going to school but now I don’t like it as much. I have a lot of problems learning and I can’t concentrate that well. My teacher is always getting mad at me because I interrupt her a lot. I never get the questions she asks me right and my other classmates often laugh at me. They also make fun of me because of my heritage. They are all very different from me and my family and they don’t understand why we dress the way we do. I do have some friends in my class but I get made fun of a lot.
    Group 3: What do you do for fun and what activities are you involved with?
    Group 3: How is your home life? Do you get along with your brothers and sisters?
    Vasha: My home life is good. I get along with my brothers and sisters well. Since I have been going through a tough time at school, they have all really been there for me. They help me with my homework when I need it and sometimes they even tutor me. I am lucky to have them.
    Group 3: How do you feel when you are off and on your medications?
    Vasha: When I am off my medication I feel like I can’t concentrate on anything. I have trouble finishing tasks in school and I can’t pay attention. I am always fidgeting in my seat. I often interrupt people but I can’t really help it. When I am on my medication I feel like I can actually get my work done. It is easier for me to pay attention and I do better in school. My teacher doesn’t yell at me as much because she knows I am concentrating. I do feel better when I take it but my medication also makes me very anxious.
    Group 3: How is your relationship with your mom? Do you want to go back to India?
    Vasha: My relationship with my mom is really good. She is always there for me and helps me with my school work a lot. Since I am the youngest, we are together a lot a home. Many of my brother and sisters are older so I spend the most time with her. I would love to go back to India. All of my family is there and I love being around them. They took care of my family when my father passed away so I grew up with them. I loved being in India and I feel like I fit in better over there.

  3. 3. Group 3: At what age do you think Vasha realizes she is not in a normal two-parent family? How do you think this will affect her? How and if when did you talk to her about this?
    Shura: Vasha is nine years old now, she realizes her family is different from her peers, but I do not think this has impacted her in a negative way.
    Group 3: Without a father, how do you think this will affect Vasha’s future relationships? Do you believe she will be apprehensive to start one with the thought of losing him in the back of her mind?
    Shura: Although she has lost her father, she still has important male figures in her life such as all of her older brothers who have almost stepped in as her father figure.
    Group 3: Has Vasha faced challenges in language development since she is already a native Hindi speaker?
    Shura: Although she is a native Hindi speaker, she has been in the US the majority of her life, all of her older siblings speak English without any issue and the same goes for Vasha.
    Group 3: Has Vasha’s discipline been altered by being raised by a single parent?
    Shura: Althought she does not have a father figure in her life, my family and I have done the best we can to raise her as she would have been if her father was around. Money has not been an issue thankfully, her life has been on track thus far.
    Group 3: How did you react to the fact that Vasha has ADHD? Was your immediate response to put her on medication or did you consider other options?
    Shura: I really value school and I was concerned when I discovered Vasha had a learning disability and ADHD and if it was going to have an effect on her education and future success.
    Group 3: Do you think Vasha’s social and emotional development will be hindered because her classmates do not approve of her ethnicity and make fun of her?
    Shura: There is a possibility that Vasha’s social and emotional development could be hindered from the bullying which has been occurring. It may cause difficulty to Vasha personally. She could be experiencing emotional dissidence because she feel part of one culture but also part of another which could create feelings of low self esteem, isolation, rejection, and anxiety.

  4. 4. Vasha is a sweet, nine year old girl who is having some problems in school. She is smart and has always liked school but when she started struggling because of her learning disability and ADHD, her interest in school has decreased. She also has been getting made fun of in school so she is struggling with self-esteem issues. She wants to fit in with the other students but her Indian heritage and her learning disabilities are preventing her from have a normal social life. She is very close to her family and looks to them to make her feel better when she is having school issues. When meeting Vasha for the first time, you might expect that she is very hyper. She may seem like she is not listening and may get easily distracted. She often has trouble paying attention and she is very fidgety because of her ADHD. However, when Vasha is with her family she is much calmer. She is comfortable around them and feels her best when they are by her side.
